Monday, November 5, 2007

Sister Spit in Durham

Who: Sister Spit: The Next Generation
What: Racous literary performances that explore indentity, feminist fashion, and finding alternative ways to document personal histories
Where: Duke University, Women's Studies Parlors, East Duke Building
When: 7pm, November 8th

Plus!!: Post Performance at Bull City Headquarters, join us after the presentation at Duke. The after party show will start at 9:30pm and will continue into the night. ( 723 N. Mangum St., more info,

Sister Spit: The Next Generation is hitting the road again, with a whole new all-girl lineup of zinesters, fashion plates, novelists, performance artists, slam poets and fancy scribblers. Inspired by the legendary Sister Spit Ramblin' Roadshow of the 90s, Sister Spit: The Next Generation is hauling a vanload of killer underground female talent across the USA and into your town. The latest gang, including Spit founder Michelle Tea, hits the road in October 2007, a decade after the first Spit van set sail, carrying on the tradition of rowdy, raucous literary adventure. As they journey across the USA, they're joined by a rag tag bunch of special guests - old Spit travelers of yore, and contributors to the brand new feminist fashion anthology, It's So You. Come and meet your new favorite performers!

This event is sponsored by DukeOut (, The Center for Documentary Studies (, The Duke University Program in the Study of Sexualities ( and Bull City Headquarters (

Falling behind

I know I have fallen behind in my music reviewing. After 3 days of music at Troika, I recommend checking out these musicians/bands.

Dylan Gilbert
Maple Stave
Push Pull